Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My parents are old...Just not old enough...!

   Actually I started on the topic 'Are we the previledged lot!' but thru' the course of writing, most points to being previledged kept pointing to one particular thing amongst lotsa other reasons-our parents!

 We are previledged cos,
  • We have great parents.
  • They got our backs on whichever insane crazy stuff we do.
  • They are the only ones whose entire lives shatter when we fall sick or just fall down.
  • They sacrifice for us-sacrifice meaning, handing over the only best thing they've got to us while standing beaming there without it.-insane,huh!
   All these make us previledged people. Enroute to nodding in agreement and heaving satisfactorily to all the abovesaid, the fact that needs to be considered is that these points despite making us previledged, in the long run, make the other party - the parents, underpreviledged! Ooh, shocking...Yeah, the very fact that,
  • They are still living.
  • They are old and their only chance is for us to take care of them.
  • They've got nothing more left in the world.
  • They expect us to get their backs like they once did.
and alarmingly true,
  • They want us to smile at them everytime we see them!
Gosh,whew...What a hell lot of expectations? How are we to sweet talk and stare concernedly at a couple of wrinkled faces and 2 pairs of crinkled eyes which's color is very similar to ours! What with all our commitments, job stress, expenditures this...expenditures that...where's the time amidst licking the ass of people who are monetarily or atleast in some materialistic way beneficial to us...It is obviously tough to reciprocate love to the pair that expects nothing more than a smile, a hug, a caress and little concern!
                    -For the jackasses(borrowed the term from my friend) out there who'll be jackasses forever!
   The way this is proceeding, you might think I am going to start swearing and throw abuses for the jack......whatever to rot in hell...but, hell no, I got no time for them.
   I just wanted to make this heard so that some of my friends who might happen to read this may look back at the sad, old faces and feel a pang of relieved happiness for the mere souls that exist as they existed way back where they could have left you standing alone in the midst of the road, totally lost to the world (trust me, there are people out there wearing such shoes), bitter about your youth or your life even.
   The article might have been a drag but sorry, I felt the need to pen it down or it would have been lost into my thoughts.